Разработчик высоконагруженных корпоративных информационных систем и сервисов для ритейла, логистики, электронной коммерции, банков, fintech, FMCG, фармацевтики и многих других.
Сплоченные проектные команды и накопленные отраслевые компетенции позволяют нам реализовывать самые сложные и масштабные решения.
Developer of highly loaded corporate information systems and mobile solutions for retail, logistics, e-commerce, banks, fintech, FMCG, pharmaceuticals and many others.
Cohesive project teams and accumulated industry competencies allow us to realize the most complex and large-scale technological solutions.

IT Experts
Research Data Scientist
Phyton Notebooks | Jupyter

Analyze industry trends, technologies and approaches, research professional articles on trends and solutions. Create new products and new approaches.
Full stack Data Scientist
Phyton | ML | DL | Spark

Specialists providing Machine Learning and Data Science projects from start to finish. create models and bring them to production.
ML Engineer
Phyton | ML | DL | Spark | Scala | GO | C++

Ensure stable and efficient operation of created models during operation in an industrial environment. Improve models.
Data Analyst
Phyton | ML | DL | Spark

Find patterns in analyzed data that are used to make decisions. Form hypotheses to work with data and build models. Conduct hypothesis tests.
Data Engineer
Phyton | ML | DL | Spark | Scala | GO | C++

Work with data, ensure its accumulation, storage and transfer. Structuring data.
MLOps Engineer
AirFlow | MLFlow|

Create the infrastructure for working with data (training, deployment and support of models). Ensure stability of the created models.
Backend Engineer
Java | .NET / C# | PHP | Node.js | Python | Golang |C++ | Ruby

Develops backend for working with models and data, ensures Data Science models are integrated with business applications.
Project manager AI
Agile | Scrum | MS Project | PMBOK | CRISP-DM

Management of Data Science research projects in the field of artificial intelligence (data analysis, machine learning).
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